Upcoming release for March, 2023

Richard Strauss (1864-1949):
Laila Andersson-Palme
Gunilla Söderström, Anita Soldh
Lennart Stregård, Gunnar Lundberg
Royal Swedish Orchestra & Chorus
Siegfried Köhler (conductor)
CDS 1128-2
Ole Hjellemo (1873-1938):
Symphony 2, Violin Concerto,
Norwegian Caprice for violin and orchestra
Gunilla Söderström, Anita Soldh
Lennart Stregård, Gunnar Lundberg
Royal Swedish Orchestra & Chorus
Siegfried Köhler (conductor)
Upcoming release for January, 2023

Ole Hjellemo (1873-1938):
Symphony 2, Violin Concerto,
Norwegian Caprice for violin and orchestra
Jörn Fossheim (conductor)
Christopher Tun Andersen (violin)
Makris Symphony Orchestra
CDA 1850-2
Joachim Raff (1822-1882):
Piano Four-Hands Sonatas
Christopher Tun Andersen (violin)
Makris Symphony Orchestra
New release for November, 2022

Joachim Raff (1822-1882):
Piano Four-Hands Sonatas
Solveig & Bertil Wikman.
CDA 1864/66-2 (3CD)
Staffan Biörklund-Jullander (b. 1955):
All You Need
A collection with instrumental music and a church opera by a composer and improviser firmly rooted in the classical/romantic tradition.
CDA 1862/63-2 (2CD)
Kerstin Meyer
Memorial Edition 1956-1980
A broad collection of gems with the legendary Swedish mezzo soprano
Opera arias, Consert songs, and Lieder
Music by Mahler, Schönberg, Verdi, Mussorgskij, Rossini, Bizet, Wagner, Debussy, Schumann, Strauss, and Grieg
CDA 1860/61-2 (2CD)
Brenda Lucas Ogdon - A Life in Music
CD1: Recital with works by Mozart, Chopin, Rachmaninov, Liszt, and transcriptions by John Ogdon
CD2: Piano music by John Ogdon
New release for September, 2022

Staffan Biörklund-Jullander (b. 1955):
All You Need
A collection with instrumental music and a church opera by a composer and improviser firmly rooted in the classical/romantic tradition.
New release for July, 2022

Kerstin Meyer
Memorial Edition 1956-1980
A broad collection of gems with the legendary Swedish mezzo soprano
Opera arias, Consert songs, and Lieder
Music by Mahler, Schönberg, Verdi, Mussorgskij, Rossini, Bizet, Wagner, Debussy, Schumann, Strauss, and Grieg
New release for June, 2022

Brenda Lucas Ogdon - A Life in Music
CD1: Recital with works by Mozart, Chopin, Rachmaninov, Liszt, and transcriptions by John Ogdon
CD2: Piano music by John Ogdon
Brenda Lucas Ogdon.
CDA 1858/59-2 (2CD)
Heat of The Moment
A collection of arias and scenes from stage recordings mainly from the Stockholm Opera,
with the Swedish tenor Lars Cleveman.
French and Italian operas on cd 1, and operas by Wagner on cd 2.
CDA 1857-2
Out there so quit, and other rare songs by Evert Taube
New release for May, 2022

Heat of The Moment
A collection of arias and scenes from stage recordings mainly from the Stockholm Opera,
with the Swedish tenor Lars Cleveman.
French and Italian operas on cd 1, and operas by Wagner on cd 2.
New release for April, 2022

Out there so quit, and other rare songs by Evert Taube
Torsten Mossberg (tenor)
Stina Hellberg Agback (harp)
Andreas Nyberg (violin)
CDA 1847/49-2 (3CD)
Richard Wagner (1813-1883):
Stina Hellberg Agback (harp)
Andreas Nyberg (violin)
New release for March, 2022

Richard Wagner (1813-1883):
Laila Andersson-Palme
Matti Kastu, Franz Kasemann
Jerker Arvidson, Björn Asker
Royal Swedish Orchestra & Chorus, Sixten Ehrling
CDO 1127-2
Helena Munktell (1852-1919):
I Firenze. Works for choir
Matti Kastu, Franz Kasemann
Jerker Arvidson, Björn Asker
Royal Swedish Orchestra & Chorus, Sixten Ehrling
New release for February, 2022

Helena Munktell (1852-1919):
I Firenze. Works for choir
Susanna Andersson, Joel Annmo,
Fredrik Zetterström, Marcus Jupither,
Niklas Björling Rygert, Torbjörn Lillieqvist
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra & Choir
Tobias Ringborg (conductor)
CDS 1114-2
Aurelio Barrios y Morales (1880-1943):
Symphony F minor; Orchestral works
Fredrik Zetterström, Marcus Jupither,
Niklas Björling Rygert, Torbjörn Lillieqvist
Swedish Radio Symphony Orchestra & Choir
Tobias Ringborg (conductor)
New release for January, 2022

Aurelio Barrios y Morales (1880-1943):
Symphony F minor; Orchestral works
Orquesta Sinfonica de Coyocán Nuova Era A C Rodrigo Elorduy (conductor)
CDX 5001-2
Great Classical Piano Experiences,
4CD-box, Special price: 4 CDs for the price of 2!
(contains CDA1664-2, CDA1680-2, CDA1695-2, CDA1842-2)
Maria Kihlgren (piano)
CDA 1855/56-2 (2CD)
Ravel que J'aime
Brenda Lucas Ogdon (piano)
CDS 1129/30-2 (2CD)
The Swedish Smorgasbord
Musical treasures from the LP-era,
many pieces for the first time on CD
Music by Agrell, Söderman, Peterson-Berger,
Alfvén, Liljefors, Wiklund a o
CDA 1845-2
Songs to harp from the Old and New World
Songs by Richard Strauss, Kurt Weill,
New release for November, 2021

Great Classical Piano Experiences,
4CD-box, Special price: 4 CDs for the price of 2!
(contains CDA1664-2, CDA1680-2, CDA1695-2, CDA1842-2)
Maria Kihlgren (piano)
New release for October, 2021

Ravel que J'aime
Brenda Lucas Ogdon (piano)
New release for July, 2021

The Swedish Smorgasbord
Musical treasures from the LP-era,
many pieces for the first time on CD
Music by Agrell, Söderman, Peterson-Berger,
Alfvén, Liljefors, Wiklund a o
New release for June, 2021

Songs to harp from the Old and New World
Songs by Richard Strauss, Kurt Weill,
Torsten Mossbert (tenor),
Stina Hellberg Agback (harp)
CDA 1853/54-2 (2CD)
Joachim Raff (1822-1882):
Stina Hellberg Agback (harp)
New release for May, 2021

Joachim Raff (1822-1882):
Marina Unruh, Frederike Schulten,
Lisa Wedekind, Wolfgang Klose,
Johannes Wedeking
Hedayet Jonas Djeddikar (piano)
CDA 1851/52-2 (2CD)
Lars Sellergren plays, volume 6
Lars Sellergren (piano)
Piano music by Schumann, Schubert,
Brahms, Ravel, a o.
CDO 1125/26-2 (2CD)
Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864):
Lisa Wedekind, Wolfgang Klose,
Johannes Wedeking
Hedayet Jonas Djeddikar (piano)
New release for March, 2021

Lars Sellergren plays, volume 6
Lars Sellergren (piano)
Piano music by Schumann, Schubert,
Brahms, Ravel, a o.
New release for February, 2021

Giacomo Meyerbeer (1791-1864):
Jan Kobow, Lars Woldt, Britta Stallmeister,
Peter Goldner
Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen
Chamber Choir of Europe
Ola Rudner (conductor)
CDA 1835/36-2 (2CD)
The art of singing Vol.4, Lars Björling (tenor)
CDA 1843/44-2 (2CD)
Richard Strauss (1864-1949):
Peter Goldner
Württembergische Philharmonie Reutlingen
Chamber Choir of Europe
Ola Rudner (conductor)
New release for November, 2020

The art of singing Vol.4, Lars Björling (tenor)
New release for October, 2020

Richard Strauss (1864-1949):
Laila Andersson-Palme
Ragnar Ulfung, Barbro Ericson
Curt Appelgren
Royal Swedish Orchestra & Chorus
Berislav Klobucar (conductor)
Ragnar Ulfung, Barbro Ericson
Curt Appelgren
Royal Swedish Orchestra & Chorus
Berislav Klobucar (conductor)